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The Living Book of Love

Nourish the Heart

Engage the mind.  Unlock potential.  

The Living Book of Love™ is a transcendent periodical of wisdom and activation. Each episode is a triune of expression that alchemizes mindfully produced spa products encoded with light language sound and song and audio book transmissions to nourish the heart, engage the mind and awaken the senses to empower peace. 

Journey future forward with this new genre


Clarify your approach with a clear mind aligned with a master heart


Awaken your unique gifts and connect with the Divine


Journey future forward and awaken your inner teacher

Learn from your Divine Presence


This is a book like none other for it has been encoded deep within your diamond heart and cannot be fully bound into a manuscript. This divinely inspired new genre allows the wisdom within your sacred heart to be synergistically accessed in conscious collaboration with your Divine Presence.

Each element sealed within this chalice has been infused with the sacred sounds of Light Language and song to subtly address the subconscious, conscious and super-conscious in ways that open hearts and minds, ignite fires of remembrance and manifest PEACE. These timed released activations attune your human expression to the PRICELESS gift that is your unique soul signature.


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Deborah O Baker Teacher Professional Development

Divinely inspired and mindfully prepared

Deborah O. Baker

NY Times Best Selling Co-Author 

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